Writing Close to Home

At the beginning of the semester, I wrote articles about the city of Flagstaff and connected them back to Northern Arizona University. I learned very quickly sources are hard to contact, but I believed that it was due to the fact that I was a student journalist asking city council member and other state officials for there time.  

I decided to stay close to home for my final stories focusing on campus news. I believed that the proximity to the possible sources and facts would make it easier to write and hear back from those possible sources. 

Keeping stories close to home, I believed that I would not only be able to have better access but also be able to provide more relevant information to readers. Having two stories centralized for specifically NAU has allowed me to reach out to multiple departments and gain more inside access. I found more comfort in being able to talk to people who work at NAU as a beginner journalist.

Being able to learn more about what the school offers also allows me to place those gained resources in other parts of my daily life. I am a True Blue Ambassador getting to know these facts and programs allows me to be better equipt for my students on tours as well as orientees. . 
